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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The League of Women Voters of the Mother Lode is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization

that encourages informed and active participation in government.



Our next General Meeting is March 1st.
Where: Murphy's Library at 480 Park Lane Murphys

Topic: The Tuolumne County Fire Safe Council will talk about the fuels reduction work being done throughout the county with the millions of dollars of grants they and others have obtained. In addition, we will discuss Firewise Communities and have a "Go Bag" demonstration. It is time to start thinking about fire season.

Our website will soon be undergoing changes. Meanwhile, check The Voter for up to date information.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Wednesday, March 10th, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Voter Services Committee at the Senior Center in Sonora

Tuesday, March 11th, 4:30 pm Fire Interest Group at Karen's Home

Wednesday, March 12th, 1 pm to 3 pm Membership Committee at the Sonora Senior Center

Wednesday, March 19th, 11;00 am Water Interest Group at Sonora Senior Center

Monday, March 24th, 1 pm to 3 pm LWVML Board Meeting at Maria's Home

Wednesday, March 26th, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Observer Corps at the Sonora Senior Center


Read The Voter

Our newsletter, The Voter, is a quick and easy way to keep up with League happenings. It is published every month and comes out before the first Saturday of each month, before our General Meeting.

In The Voter, you will find:

  • A message from our President, Brenda McHenry
  • Local and National Actions you can take to affect change
  • Committee actions, both accomplished and planned
  • Surprising biographies of our members
  • Tips on useful, but little known, online resources
  • and MORE... 

Access the latest issue of The Voter

Head to our League News to read current and past issues of The Voter, sign up as a non-member to receive The Voter in your inbox every month, and access our most recent YouTube and Facebook posts!

Keep in touch with the latest news and actions from LWVC

  Read below for a brief overview of the latest updates.

Women's Inequality Day Campaign Banner 2024. Features a yellow ombre background. On the left is the text WOMEN'S EQUALITY IS ON THE BALLOT surrounded by a white border. On the right are two women holding signs that say "Equal Pay!" and "Reproductive" Rights. The bottom of the graphics features LWV's white logo and the Women Power Democracy logo, along with the campaign hashtag #WomenVote2024

Upcoming Webinars and Virtual Meetings


Join an LWVC Discussion Group

LWVC hosts several interest groups where you can ask questions, share ideas, and collect resources on different LWVC issue areas. By joining a conversation, you can bolster your League's education and advocacy efforts and find ways to get involved at the state level. If you need assistance joining any of these groups, please reach out to

Join an LWVC Discussion Group


Phone 209-454-0904

LWV of the Mother Lode

PO Box 5393

Sonora, CA 95370