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Voter Services and Program - The Core of the League


The two core functions of the League of Women Voters are Voter Services and Program. Most League activities fall under one of these two areas.

As a newer League, our initial focus has been on Voter Services activities. Once the 2020 election was behind us, we were eager to begin Program activities.


What is Voter Services?


Voter Services is a year-round activity to help citizens be politically effective and to encourage their participation in the political process. Registering voters and presenting factual, nonpartisan information on candidates and election issues are basic voter services activities, i.e., all election related projects and activities. Voter Services can be thought of as voter education and empowerment. Examples of Voter Services activities we have performed include voter registration, Pros & Cons, candidate forums, Observer Corp, and Voters Edge.

Find out about the Voter Services meetings and committees on the Our Committees Page .  

If you are interested in participating in any of the Voter Services activities, contact the Chair, Susan Medeiros .

What is Program Planning?


Program Planning is one of the important ways we focus our grassroots work to align ourselves with our mission and the priorities set forth by LWV National and State, as well as identify and serve local goals.

Program is the set of selected governmental issues chosen by members at the local, state and national levels for research and action. You can think of Program as our Action Agenda. The Program Committee researches local issues, becomes familiar with current LWV positions, informs membership and the community of issues, guides local League consensus and adoption of positions, and develops and proposes advocacy and action plans. Find out about the Program meetings and committees on the Our Committees Page .  .

Note: Program is NOT the same as Programs, which plans for speakers, discussion or other activities for League meetings.

The first step in developing Program is Study.

Housing and Homelessness Study Group


Last February, we asked our local members to consider where our focus should be over the next two years and to share their thoughts by completing the Program Planning Survey. The issue of Housing and Homelessness was chosen as a priority by an overwhelming majority of our responding members. Due to the unique nature issues of housing and the homeless in our rural, mountain counties, we decided to conduct an intensive study of the conditions and challenges in our local communities. A study group was formed, and will present their findings to our membership for their consideration and possible consensus on a local position on Housing and Homelessness.


If you are interested in participating in the Housing and Homelessness Study Group, please contact one of the study co-chairs, Deborah Rei or Trudy Craig.



Phone 209-454-0904

LWV of the Mother Lode

PO Box 5393

Sonora, CA 95370