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Contact My Representative

Make yourself heard by the people who represent you.

Ask them to support or oppose a bill.
Thank them for a vote you appreciated.
Tell them which issue matters most to you.

Ways to Communicate

In Person: A face-to-face visit to  your representative is an effetive way to deliver your message. If you plan to visit the capitol or public office, make an appointment with the representative's scheduler. If an appointment is not available, consider speaking to a member of the legislative staff. Be well prepared. Before scheduling your visit, research the legislator's point of view and voting record on this issue.

In Writing: The form of written communication depends on the urgency of the issue. If you are making a general inquiry or statement on a topic, physical letters always receive  more attention than electronic communications. However, if you are writing concerning a pending vote, email usually works best, since letters may take weeks to be delivered, due to security screening. Make your message brief and send it several days before a bill will be discussed in committee or on the floor.

By Phone: Before calling, have your message written in front of you and review it carefully. Keep your message simple and concise. If relevant, ask to speak with the legislative assistant responsible for the issue. Thank the staffer and let him/her know how you will follow up.

Tips to Increase Your Impact

  • Be brief and to the point. Discuss only one issue in each email or letter.
  • Identify bills by title and number.
  • Research your issue, organize the facts, and respond knowledgeably to opposing arguments. 
  • Get to know the people you want to communicate with. Study officials’ background and voting records. Attend candidate forums and town halls in your local community.

Note: For more tips on how to be an effective advocate, see the The Psychologist's Guide to Advocacy

To be an effective advocate, you not only need to know how to contact your representatives, you need to be prepared to make your case and know the positions your representative has taken in the past.

Clicking here takes you to a site where you can find out about your representatives at the federal, state and local levels based on your address. This site allows you to access the following information about your representatives:

  • Contact information
  • Bills they have introduced
  • Committees they serve on
  • Political contributions they've received.


Phone 209-454-0904

LWV of the Mother Lode

PO Box 5393

Sonora, CA 95370