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HomeWrite a Letter

Write A Letter to the Editor

Answers to Common Questions

How do I write an effective letter?

Write the letter from the readers’ perspective.

A letter should include the right answers to the following reader questions:

  • Is this another rant from the “other side?”

Set the right tone. Be respectful, even if you need to be firm or suggest that an action was wrong. Very few people are convinced of your point when you lecture, belittle, or judge.
For example:
I think Rep X has taken the wrong position, and should commit to support the use of ballot drop boxes.”

  • What’s your point?

Make sure your most important points are stated in the first paragraph. A good title for your letter can also encourage the reader to read further.
For example: “Gerrymandering hurts our community.” “Voting should be more convenient and accessible.” “Our local State Representative has introduced an important bill.”
Note: Editors may need to cut parts of your letter and they usually do so from the bottom up.

  • Why should I care?

Make it clear the topic is of general/public interest. Refer to a recent event in your community or to a recent article– make a connection and make it relevant.
For example: “Inequitable education funding affects all of us, not just the kids getting an inadequate education.” “Sustainable energy development will result in cleaner air for everyone.”

  • Why should I believe you?

Use some kind of example, statistic or personal point. Use local statistics and personal stories to better illustrate your point.
For example: “X% of this county’s children go to an underfunded school.” Or “In states with early voting, voter participation is about X% higher.”

  • What can I do about it?

Make a specific suggestion, even if you’re just asking people to think more or differently about the issue.
For example: Follow the school funding lawsuit; contact your local legislators about supporting early voting options; vote in local elections; attend a forum ….” Or “It’s easy to ignore these issues; we urge more people to pay attention to what is happening in Sonora.”

Note: The LWVUS provides talking points on key issues on their League Management pages at

How do I submit my letter?

  • Keep it short - Keep your letter under the word count allowed by the publication; usually 300 words or less. Check the editorial page or paper’s website for word limitations and address information.
  • Include your contact information - Editors may want to contact you, so include your phone number and e-mail address.
  • Include your name and title (if applicable) *– Including your title can add credibility, especially if it's relevant to the topic being discussed. It can also show you’re not trying to hide your reason for interest in the topic.
  • Submit by email -  Paste your letter into the body of the email. Do not send attachments. Many papers will not even open an email with an attachment

Make Your Letter Count --

Send it to Multiple Newpapers at the Same Time!


Try out this powerful tool used by the LWV of Texas to send their letters. This tool allows you to send your letter to multiple newspapers at the same time. Just enter your zip code to find a list of all the newspapers in your area and select the newspapers you want to contact.
Click the Multiple Papers button to give it a try. 

Multiple Papers


Phone 209-454-0904

LWV of the Mother Lode

PO Box 5393

Sonora, CA 95370